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Kabecca Films was founded by Katie and Rebecca Dale-Everett in 2017 as a platform for collaboration, fusing Katie’s background in cross-genre choreography and Rebecca’s experience of producing award-winning shorts. To date the female-led team have produced 'Digital Tattoo: Artefact 1', which was commissioned by Screen South, acquired by Channel Four for their online Random Acts strand, distributed nationwide as part of the Playback Touring Exhibition, Katie Dale-Everett Dance’s Arts Council England National Lottery funded tour and to independent venues and events including Leeds Music Festival. Most recently they have been developing a mini short film series that aims to increase the representation of sixty-plus women onscreen and celebrate and explore their relationship to dance and the impact it has had on mental and physical wellbeing.


Kabecca Films are committed to making thought-provoking films, which are suitable for multiple distribution avenues and are conceived through sustainable practice.

Rebecca Dale-Everett

Since producing 'Digital Tattoo: Artefact 1' Rebecca has moved to London to pursue a career in the TV industry and currently works as a Researcher on the returning primetime ITV1 series 'Long Lost Family'. Additional credits include working as a Production Coordinator on the BAFTA award-winning BBC1 series 'Who Do You Think You Are?', on a Sky Arts documentary with Harry Hill and Seventh Art Productions international cinema series 'EXHIBITION ON SCREEN'. Other achievements include taking her documentary on the Cairngorm Mountain Rescue Team, entitled 'The Happy Warriors' to Sheffield Doc/Fest and distributing it on Curzon Home Cinema. She has previously produced two other documentaries shot on celluloid including 'Below the Row', which won the IMDB New Filmmaker Award at Bath Film Festival and has a

First-Class Honors Degree in Film Production. 


Katie Dale-Everett

Alongside working for Kabecca Films, Katie works as a freelance cross-genre choreographer, dance teacher and creative arts producer. Her company Katie Dale-Everett Dance has a growing number of supporters including South East Dance, New Theatre Royal Portsmouth and most recently becoming one of The Point's Associate Artist 2018/19. Her company has received multiple Arts Council England National Lottery grants. In 2017 the company toured three works including Kabecca Films' film 'Digital Tattoo: Artefact 1' across the South East and West of England. She currently produces and teaches for Arts Council England funded Inclusive Dance Company Rounded Rhythm and teaches for Varndean College and freelancers in multiple educational settings. 

Katie Dale-Everett Dance Website


Twenty, Forty, Sixty

 'Twenty, Forty, Sixty' Indiegogo Crowdfunding Video from our successful campaign

“My mother went into labour at the Saturday Night New Year's Dance. So really from my first movement in the world, I was connected to dance.”


In this evocative and intimate short film, a sixty-three-year-old woman called Lisa tells her story of life through dance, and dancing through life.

Following the success of our previous film, we were awarded funding from Screen South's Ignition Catalyst fund to produce 'Twenty, Forty, Sixty' which was shot of 16mm and is now available for distribution.   


Please download our one page for more information or get in touch below about potential distribution opportunities. 

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Twenty, Forty, Sixty
Digital Tattoo: Artefact 1

Digital Tattoo: Artefact 1

'Digital Tattoo: Artefact 1' Full Film 

'Digital Tattoo: Artefact 1' is a three minute, choreographic art film combining dance, animation and sound, inspired by the Right to be Forgotten law. Exploring the permanence of personal online data, the film aims to encourage its viewer to reflect upon their own permanent data trail, something that we all generate by participating online, inescapable in this increasingly digitalised world.

Please download our one page for more information or get in touch below about potential distribution opportunities. 

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Meet Gillian our latest contributor

'Gillian' is a creative documentary which we are making about an older woman and the pressure she put on herself to strive for perfection during her career as a professional ballerina. This is the second film in a mini short film series that aims to increase the representation of sixty-plus women onscreen and celebrate and explore their relationship to dance and the impact it has had on mental and physical wellbeing.


Mapped Memories Call-Out

Kabecca Films Instagram Story Asset for

‘Mapped Memories’ is a celebration of places and spaces and the people who have a connection to Leytonstone. It is an opportunity for untold stories to be shared and for the personal memories of individuals within the community to be given importance. This project will feature two women from the local area who will tell their memory through dance and poetry at Leytonstone Loves Film in September 2021. Could this be you? 

Read the document below to find out more and to find out how to express your interest in the project. The deadline for expressions of interest is Friday 6th August 2021.  

This is an inclusive project and we actively encourage applications from people from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds. If you need any assistance with your application or alternative reasonable adjustments, please let us know. You can contact us at


Mapped Memories


Katie: 07748288479

Rebecca: 07717358760


The information below details how Kabecca Films will take care of your personal data. This information is in relation to data collected and used for marketing , fundraising, and reporting to our Funders.

What do we collect?

We may collect personal data that may include your information including but not limited to your name, email address, postal address, year of birth and experience. When working with minors, parental consent will be sought. 


All information we collect will be volunteered by you. This could be through our website, audience/artist/participant surveys & when booking events. 

This information will be used to: 

Contact you about news and opportunities including ways to support and/or participate with Kabecca Films' work.

Report to funders.

Your data will never be shared with third parties unless permission is granted. Only employees of the company may have access to this information for means related to the company and are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your data.

All data stored online will be in locked files on a dedicated hardrive. This, along with hard copies will be stored within a locked building unless being used temporarily for an event. 

Under certain circumstances, you have rights under data protection laws in relation to your personal information, as follows:-

a) Request access to your personal information

b) Request correction of your personal information

c) Request erasure of your personal information

d) Object to processing of your personal information

e) Request restriction of processing your personal information

f) Request transfer of your personal information

g) Right to withdraw consent & opt out.


To do this please email


We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your personal information.

© 2021 by Kabecca Films

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